Digital Healthcare – the magic key to unlocking opportunities in the Healthcare Market
If there’s one thing that has amazed me in recent days, it’s the effect that technology has had on our lives. How many times have we noticed people staring into that tiny device in their hands when walking on the road? How many times have we noticed people talking to their mobile devices (literally!). We’ve become dependent on these tiny things so much that it’s difficult to imagine a day without them. But nothing has had me fascinated as much as the effect they have had in the Healthcare industry and how it has made it so much easier to bring quality healthcare to the underprivileged. The advent of the Internet, mobile technology and IoT has helped wonderfully marry patient needs and their providers’ solutions. This has made it possible for us to afford quality healthcare at a fraction of the cost – something that was only a dream waiting to be realized until recently. Organizations like Google, Makovsky, Accenture, Pew Research Center, eMarketer, American Wellness, Statista et...