Big Data – boon, bane, or both?
Over the years, I’ve met many a CIO, and if there’s one thing that few of them think on the same line, it’s what they think about “Big Data”. Many of them cogitate that it is indeed overhyped, and so is machine learning and predictive analytics. They think of it as a term that the IT industry coined something that was “invented” to sell their timeworn technologies - just in a prettier, more colorful package. Every coin has to have two sides, right? Of course, there is this other group, the data experts, and the other side of the coin that thinks Big Data is the next big revolution that will change human life as we know it and solve problems even before they can turn into one. Then there’s me. Personally, I’d like to think of Big Data as an “Evolution” and not a revolution – It is not something that should be ignored but at the same time, get too excited about. Most of the enterprise uses only 30% of their available data for decision-making. 70% of the data out there...